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Social Events

Keep the dates Free
for 2024

Hi everyone here is where we post information and pictures of our Parish Social  Events at Our Lady and St John the Baptist.  We are excited to share our forth coming and past events.  So keep your eyes peeled!

Leaf Pattern Design
Mothering sunday poster 2024.jpg
Mothering Sunday
10th March 2024
Easter Egg, Raffle poster 2024.jpg
Easter Sunday
31st March 2024
Strawberry Tea
8th June 2024
19TH OF jUNE Fathers day 20(1).jpg
Father's Day
June 19th 2024
The Christmas Nativity Event 2023

Thank you everyone for joining us for our Christmas Event. We really appreciate you coming and making it a success. Many thanks to Fr Patrick for saying Mass and to the Choir, Orgainisers.

Nativity and Tree 2023.jpg
New 300dpi poster for print.jpg

Many thanks to the Ellon Bowling Club for hosting our event and to Peter and Andy for keeping the drinks flowing. Jo for selling the Raffle tickets! Thank you to Derek our Quiz Master who is also the other half of Fiona for your wisdom on orgainising the Questions, Steve and Ann for running the closest coin to the bottle. Thanks to our Compere Colin for auctioning the beautiful hand-made Clock by Brian! Thanks to Shelia for judging the winner of the best Halloween costume on the night. To Carmel for writing up our Quiz scores. Thank you for a successful event and for all the hard work put into it! Amazing! See you next year at the same time, same place. Thank you and God bless!

Halloween Themed Quiz Night 2023

Halloween Themed Quiz Night 2023 for

Our Lady and St John the Baptist.

Thank you to everyone who was part of making our Halloween Themed Quiz Night spooktacular. What a team! Fiona for her vision coming to life surrounding us with great props. Ann and Steve for their prop contributions, we loved them all! All the Parish and Community attendees who came and made it a successful night by giving their best attempts at answering the questions, you Rock! We loved your costumes! Thank you for all the contributions of raffles and homebakes. We really appreciate it all!

The Spirit of Christmas Nativity Event 2022

It was that joyful time again were the children of the Parish took part in the Spirit of Christmas Nativity Event. There was a delay in getting things brought in and started. The children took it in their stride and were quickly off the mark getting everything on the Christmas tree and Nativity Crib. They were  all multitasking going between the tree and Nativity while scoffing the amazing Christmas cookies made by Helen Loudon.   Mince pies, short bread and goodie bags supplied by Fiona Kilpatrick, Thank you ladies the children really loved them. Thank you to everyone who orgainised and helped make it happen. Special thanks to Pat and Pete Mackie  for buying our new Nativity crib and Elizabeth and Gordon Stewart for the tree. Thank you everyone!  God bless! 

Christmas Hamper Event 2022
Hamper 2022.jpg
Christmas Tree Ornament
Christmas Nativity Event 2022

We will be putting up Our Nativity on Sunday 11th of

December 2022 after 11:30am Mass at Our Lady and St John the Baptist. Very exciting as the children had so much fun last year doing it!  All ages are welcome to join us to make it a family event.  Teas, coffees, juice  and mince pies will be served.


Thanks to Gordon and Elizabeth in advance for providing us with the Christmas tree again this year!  Thank you to Pat Mackie for donating our new Crib for this year.  We feel so blessed and thankful!

Christmas Tree Ornament




Church Fundraiser


What a tremendous success our Hawaiian Quiz Night was last Saturday.


A special thank you to Ellon Bowling Club, such a great venue for events, it’s a beautiful club.  Also a heartfelt thank you to Peter Mackie and Dave Killicott for organising the use of the club and the license for our Quiz Night.

Thank you to Steve Cox, who donated a bottle of Malt Whisky for the Roll a £1 game, which raised £77 and to Brian Grant for stepping in to run this.


A special thank you to the winning team who kindly donated the £60 prize money back.  The team that came 12th, were also delighted with their wooden spoons. 


A massive thank you to all who attended, it was so good to hear and see such a buzz and plenty of laughter.  Thank you to all who made monetary donations and to everyone who bought tickets and donated towards the raffle.  It raised over £500 (unbelievable).  


click the picture to go to the video page




Thank you also to the ladies and gents of the Parish who provided the sandwiches and home bakes, they went down a treat. 


Also thanks to our Quiz Master, Derek Kirkpatrick.  Can we book you for next year?


A few people have been asking if this will be an annual event and YES it will be.  Date to be confirmed. 


We are truly Blessed and humbled by your generosity and kindness.  What an amazing amount raised. 


From the bottom of our hearts we cannot thank everyone enough.


God bless you all.


Easter Sunday Parish
Egg Hunt 17th April 2022

We had a wonderful and spiritual Easter Celebration with the Children displaying their Easter Posters and taking part in a Easter egg hunt in the garden. A heart and soul warming occasion! Thank you!

Girl with a Basket
Using Mobile Phones

Christmas Hamper Event December 2022

Christmas Tree and Crib Event 11th of December 2022

Easter Sunday Parish Egg Hunt 17th of April 2022

Parish Quiz Night 29th October 2022

Christmas Parish Coffee Morning December 2021

Christmas Tree and Crib Event December 2021


Christmas Tree and
Crib Event December 2021

Gallery of Christmas tree and crib decoration 2021 - Copy (2).JPG  All rights reserved

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A Parish of the RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122

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