Social Media
Four Evenings of Prayer and Reflection in Preparation for Advent and Christmas s
'O Come Let us Adore Him': Four Evenings of Prayer and Reflection in Preparation for Advent and Christmas, facilitated by Dr Robbie Butler. Nov 15th, 22nd, 29th and Dec 6th; 8-9pm, at Our Lady and St John the Baptist Ellon. All are Welcome. Theme: The Eucharistic Presence of Jesus
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday, 9th October: Parish Council Meeting beginning at 7pm at Our Lady Chapel. All are invited.
Ladies Coffee Morning
Monday, 14th October: Ladies Coffee Morning every Second Monday of the Month: All ladies are welcome, we need to know the number of people attending in order to book the venue.
If you would like to attend please contact Sandra Campins on scampins@sky.com or 01358510165 and leave a message. Thank you
Hello all we say farewell to a valued member of our parish Cathy Fraser serving in many roles from Catechist to Reader & Eucharistic Minister, member of SVP and of course not forgetting all those wonderful BBQs she and Martin have put on for the parish over the years, the Parish would like to say "farewell" and a big "thank you".
So could I ask everyone to spread the word that we will be having a Coffee & Cake Farewell after mass on Sunday 22nd and hopefully as many of you as possible will be there too.
There will be a card for signing in the Lady Chapel after mass on Sunday. Thank you!
Hope to see you all next Sunday.
New Parish Priest
We welcome news that Fr Patrick is to be our new Parish Priest with effect from September 8/9. He will be responsible for St Columba’s, Bridge of Don also and will be resident in Ellon. We look forward to meeting him!
date for the diary
We are blessed to have a triple celebration after this Sunday's Mass!
There will be a bbq after Mass for Fr Rays 80th birthday on Sunday 16th of September so we hope you will be able to stay on for a nibble. We also have the pleasure of Sr Vera Visiting us and it will be another opportunity for a catchup with her! It will also be a good chance to welcome our new Priest, Fr Patrick.
Diocesan Events:
Monastic Experience Weekend Fri 3rd to Mon 6th August in Pluscarden Abbey. The monks offer this special opportunity for participants to experience what monastic life is all about. It is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith and are aged 18-35. There is no charge for the weekend. See notice in the porch.
Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage
Date(s) - 06/10/2018 - 11/10/2018 under the direction and leadership of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia with the support of friends and benefactors. It is intended for young Catholics, ages 15-25, see notice.
Confirmation: Please remember the candidates
Jan Rozalski and Piotrek Cudak in your prayers as they work towards receiving the sacrament on September 23rd, 2018..
Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on request
Sunday July 29th is Fr Peter’s “Months Mind” to pay our respects and remember him at morning Mass. A BBQ is arranged for after the Mass and Fr Peter’s family have been invited on that day as he had wanted to use it as a thank you to the Parish and to celebrate the second anniversary of his priestly ordination.
700th anniversary of the consecration of St Andrews Cathedral
A few words and photos from Kevin Higgins, from the event. Thanks Kev!!
I thought you might like to post these photos on the parish website of our trip to St Andrews last Thursday. Gerry and I went with Ros Deane
There was a procession and open air mass to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the consecration of St Andrews cathedral in the town. Jo Costello was one of the ‘New Dawn’ organisers, and did a reading at the mass.
Advanced Notice:
While Fr Peter is ill please contact below:
For emergencies Fr Patrick Rice SJ on 07767057314 or email: rcgarioch@hotmail.com
As Fr Peter is still unable to join us the BBQ planned for Sunday (17th) June is postponed until he is well enough. Sorry for late notice!
Friday June 29th Is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, it is a Holyday of Obligation. Mass times to be announced.
Please check the bulletin for any more information!
Advance Notice: Thursday May 10th is the Solemnity of the Ascension and is a Holyday of Obligation; Mass times to be announced in the bulletin
Diocesan Events:
"The Gift" Course
01/05/2018 19:30 to 21:00, St Columba’s Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Week 2 of 6 - “Preparing for Pentecost”
The 2018 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures: “You have come to Mount Sion”
Pluscarden Abbey – Elgin
Tuesday 22 May at 15:00 - Potato Stamps: Reading the Old Testament in the Light of Christ.
Wednesday 23 May at 10:30 - Jesus is Joshua: What’s in a name?
Wednesday 23 May at 15:00 - Passing through the Veil: Christ the High Priest and the Day of Atonement
Thursday 24 May at 10:30 - Robed in Flesh, Our Great High Priest
Rosary on the Coast Pilgrimage today,
29/04/2018, 14:30 – 16:30 at Aberdeen Beach and Esplanade.
See ‘Rosary on the Coast’ Website.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Poland July 9 to 16.
Ladies Group:
Hello Ladies
First I have to say what an enjoyable meeting we had on Wednesday and a big thank you to Lorna and all the ladies who made the effort to come. I'm sure you weren't disappointed. I really enjoyed the 'hands on' approach. I certainly learned a lot about acupuncture and would no longer consider it an extreme treatment.
Lorna has very kindly offered to come back for Part 2, this time to talk to us about reflexology using the hands. I hope she is free for our May meeting but I will confirm.
I've attached a couple of photos for your info.
Diocesan Events:
"The Gift" Course
24/04/2018 19:30 to 21:00, St Columba’s Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. A series of 6 weeks. Preparing for Pentecost
Aid to the Church in Need Talk
24/04/2018, St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen at 20:00, Subject: ‘It takes Courage to be a Christian in the Middle East’
Uplifting Walks - April's Walk - Banchory
28/04/2018, Meet at Banchory Town Hall. 6 miles (plus optional 2 mile ascend of Scolty Hill)
Rosary on the Coast Pilgrimage
29/04/2018, 14:30 – 16:30 at Aberdeen Beach and Esplanade.
See ‘Rosary on the Coast’ Website.
"The Gift" Course
01/05/2018, Aberdeen
Wee Boxes: Please ensure you return your Wee Boxes no later than Sunday Apr 22nd. The Government will match all donations so please get them back soon as!
Ladies Group meets this Wednesday (18th of April) at 19:30 in the Lady Chapel. with a guest speaker on accupunture!
I wish you a Happy, Holy and Blessed Easter.
Annual Leave: I will be away this week following Easter Sunday Monday to Friday, during this time in case of emergency please contact Fr. Anil Gonsalves at 01346 518215.
Fr Peter.
Easter Triduum:
Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper 19:30
Good Friday – The Passion 15:00; Stations of the Cross 19:00. Note: This is a day of Fast and Abstinence
Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil 20:00
Easter Sunday – Mass 10:30.
Parish Pastoral Council:
There will be a meeting of the Pastoral Council on Tuesday, March 13th in the Lady Chapel. The agenda will include appointment of office bearers - Chair Person, Secretary/minute taker, etc. - and a group specifically to undertake tasks determined by the Parish Priest, also the frequency of these meetings.
Ash Wednesday (Feb 14th)
There will be mass at 10:30 with ashes distributed. In the evening Stations of the Cross at 19:00 with ashes for those who wish.
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence
18 January 2018 Thinking Faith was launched on 18 Jan 2008 -
They are ten years old! | Three Billboards | Praying for Christian unity Website: http://www.thinkingfaith.org/
Frances Murphy
A message from the Editor as Thinking Faith turns 10!
As Thinking Faith celebrates the tenth anniversary of our launch, there is plenty on which to reflect. It has been an eventful decade - for the Church and for the Jesuits in particular, and for the global community in general - and that has made our task of commenting on the world around us a fascinating one. You can read about a decade in the life of Thinking Faith on the website of the Jesuits in Britain >>
Thanks are owed to so many people, all of whom it would be impossible to list, so I will name just two: my predecessors, Fr Peter Scally SJ and Fr Roger Dawson SJ. The journal could not exist without our hundreds of contributors and the many friends, advisers and editorial board members who have helped to steer the course of our work. Nor would we be here without the support of generous benefactors like you, who allow us to find new ways in which to produce and share our content.
Over 5,000 people receive our email alerts, and we are so grateful to each and every one of you for the part you play in the life of Thinking Faith. We hope, in turn, that our work may continue to play a part in your life.
If we could ask you for one birthday gift, it would be that you take a moment to forward this email to a friend and encourage them to subscribe to our email alerts. Looking ahead to the next ten years, we want more and more people to come to know the Christ to whom St Ignatius of Loyola leads us so thoughtfully, lovingly and effectively, and we will continue working to make that happen.
Forward this email to a friend
Thank you, once again, for your support. Please keep us in your prayers as we move into our second decade, and join us in praying for the closeness of Christ to a world that needs to know Him, in all its joys and sadnesses.
Yours in Christ,
Frances Murphy
[Three Billboards]
On general release: Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
The incongruous intrusion of the grotesque into the everyday that was the hallmark of O’Connor’s fiction also characterises this film. The depth and intrigue of the excellent screenplay comes from the richness of its characters, rather than from convoluted events or clues that are hidden from the audience. Read >>
From the archive: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18-25 January
[handprints and globe]
Global Godliness?
What does our belief in ‘one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church’ really mean? It expresses a desire for unity across space and time, which is what God wills for humanity, says Timothy Radcliffe OP. ‘At the heart of the Catholic tradition is a profound longing for a Church that is one and universal.’ Read >>
[St Ignatius]
St Paul and Ecumenism
Bishop John Arnold asks us to remember and be encouraged by the diversity that was a feature even of the early Church. What challenges were faced by the different Christian communities that Saint Paul wrote to? Read >>
[St Paul]
Paul and Christian Disunity
Nicholas King SJ uses St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians to demonstrate that the early Christians struggled to live as a united Church. The words that challenged the Christians of Corinth continue to challenge modern Christians. How does Paul present his solution to the problem of Christian disunity? Read >>
The Conversion of Saint Paul
Next week's feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul marks the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The late spiritual writer, Gerry W Hughes SJ, offered some thoughts on how the quest for unity requires just such a conversion in the hearts of all Christians. Read >>
Mass Times - w/c Dec 31, 2017
Sunday: Dec 31st: Mass at 10:30
Monday Jan 1st: Mass at 10:30
Midweek: - No services during this week.
Sunday Jan 7th Vigil 18:00 (Sat); Morning 10:30
Christmas Masses: Mass times at Christmas are as follows:
Sunday 24th –Saturday Vigil at 18:00, Sunday Morning at 10:30
Christmas Eve, 24th Carol service at 18:30 followed by mass at 19:00 (7 pm).
Fr Patrick will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 18:00.
Note: there will be no mass at midnight.
Christmas morning 25th at 10:30.
in the absence of Fr. Peter enquries such as funerals, sick calls etc. should contact Fr. Patrick Rice on:
Tel: (01467) 268313, Email: rcgarioch@hotmail.com
The Christmas Tree of Light
At this time of year we reflect on our spiritual needs and think about our past and what the future holds for us. We also remember those who are not with us any more! We ask for guidance in our daily lifes to carry out our tasks of kindness and care in our community!
Make a wish on our christmas tree of light, tags are in the porch!
Christmas Shop
There is a range of Christmas cards and gifts available to purchase in the church porch.
Women's Group
At the Women's Group there is a mini fair on tonight 15th of November 2017 at 7.30pm in the Lady Chapel. All are Welcome!
For your Attention
Mass Times - w/c Nov 12, 2017
Sunday: Vigil Mass 18:00 (Sat), Morning 10:30
Midweek: - No Masses!
Advance Notification
Wednesday November 1st is a Holyday of Obligation, there will be a Vigil Mass on Tuesday Oct 31st at 19:30 and a morning Mass on the day at 10:30.
Ladies Group –
There will be a presentation by Sarah Philip on Saturday 28th October at 10:00 in the Lady Chapel. The presentation is about the resuscitation of young children. You will remember Sarah’s presentation on the adult theme so this is especially useful for those who have we’ans about the place including grandparents.
A concert to celebrate the end of the Pilgrimage will be held at Pluscarden Abbey on Saturday 2nd September at 19.30. All welcome.
Pluscarden Abbey concert poster!
A new board has been installed on the church wall adjacent to the front door. This is a result of collaboration between church members, local business and the Ellon Mens Shed.
Violin Recital on 20th of August 2017 in Pluscarden Abbey by Professor Michael Grube , details in the poster below!
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017 on Sunday the 3rd of September, details in the poster below!
Newspaper article on the celebration of the opening of Our Lady and St John the Baptist below!
Pluscarden Pilgrimage June 2017