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Upcoming Events

We have a lot of Events coming up soon! So take note and put them in your diaries!

Forthcoming Events:

1. Pat Mackie has also donated a beautiful baby and cot with accessories (baby makes noises). We will be getting a diary to pick the baby's birthday.

2. Sunday 19th March will be Mothering Sunday, we have little gift boxes which we will put sweets into. Ann Cox is kindly donating the sweets,

3. Sunday, 19th March, we will have the Blairs Leaving Tea/Coffee at Our Lady’s Chapel after Mass

4. 9th April, Easter Sunday. There will be an Easter Egg hunt in the Church gardens for all after Mass.

5. Sunday 16th April, we have 4 children making their First Holy Communion. There will be a special Tea/Coffee celebration for children making their First Holy Communion. A special thank you to Alan & Helen Loudon for offering to donate a First Holy Communion cake.

6. Tuesday, 14th March, there will be the Blairs Leaving Tea/Coffee at the Buchan Hotel 10:30am no Mass that day.

7. Saturday 10th June, we will be holding a Strawberry Tea in Our Lady Chapel, between 10am - 12pm.

8. Pat Mackie is proving the large glass jar for our 1p (any coins) one mile of pennies 79,278, would equal £792, every penny counts.

9. Quiz Night is pencilled in for Saturday 28th October 2023 at Ellon Bowling Club. It will be a Halloween Theme. We are looking to make this an annual event.

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