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Sunday 1st August 2021, 18th of the Year B


Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Diocesan Events Retrospectively two young men were ordained to the priesthood several weeks ago for our diocese – thanks be to God.

St Marys have featured events on their home-page which are worth a look at.

Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on request

Farewell to the Butlers Gene and Robbie and their children Robert and James are soon returning to their native soil. We will be marking their considerable contribution to the parish with a wee tea party after Mass next Sunday August 8th, please come and celebrate with us, attendance at the Mass is not necessary; just come along for a cup and a chat.

The Parish Pastoral Council is looking for volunteers to spend time in the parish garden. It does not need to be onerous, a half hour after weekday mass or any other time, would be well received, Mike Galvin will be delighted to direct you!

Fr Raymond due to the restrictions in place at the time, his funeral was a very small affair. We are planning a memorial service for him in September, further details will follow shortly.

A Living Faith 'Christianity is not theology, commandments, beautiful churches or a collection of lovely art; no, it is a living people who follow Jesus’. Pope Francis

Readers There is a very small core of readers at the moment, please will you volunteer to read at masses, you can signal your willingness on the day to Mike Galvin who will receive you with open arms.

Please remember all the sick and elderly of our parish community in your prayers.

We are all aware of the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic, thanks to vaccines we are slowly emerging from its affects with public masses but because of the social distancing and the requirement to wear a face covering, our seating capacity is reduced necessitating booking places via the parish web site. As restrictions change we will report them via this Newsletter.

More detailed information in the Bulletin!

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A Parish of the RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122

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